Heart to Heart: Fr. Jim Willig - Gospel Teachings
Gospel teachings and lessons recorded by Fr. Jim Willig during his "Lunch with the Lord" Bible Study.
142 episodes
Almighty God vs Almighty Dollar | Luke 16:1-13 by Fr. Jim Willig
from Luke 16:1-13Jesus said to his disciples,"A rich man had a stewardwho was reported to him for squandering his property.He summoned him and said,'What is this I hear about you?Prepare a full account of your steward...

We're in the Business | Matthew 18:21-35 with Fr. Jim Willig (alt. for Luke 6:27-38)
This Gospel Study addresses the time Peter asked Jesus, “How many times are we called to forgive another?” Jesus surprised Peter and the disciples when he said to forgive 70 times 7 times.Jesus uses the parable of the master who forgave...

Tough Love | Matthew 5:38-48 by Fr. Jim Willig (alt. for Luke 6:17, 20-26)
Jesus tells us that we need to stop living by "an eye for an eye" and instead start loving our enemies. As Fr. Jim reminds us, this is much easier said than done, even in our "enlightened" age [emphasis mine].Matthew 5:38-48Jesus ...

The Greatest Fish Story Ever Told | Luke 5:1-11 by Fr. Jim Willig
from Luke 5:1-11While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listeningto the word of God,he was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret.He saw two boats there alongside the lake;the fishermen had disembarked and were wa...

Light One Candle [The Presentation] | Luke 2:22-40 by Fr. Jim Willig
In this Gospel on the presentation of Jesus in the Temple, Fr. Jim reminds us that Mary and Joseph went out of their way to bring Jesus to Jerusalem; a journey that was not easy but foreshadows the ultimate sacrifice Jesus would make for us.

The Baptism of the Lord | Luke 3:15-16, 21-22 by Fr. Jim Willig
Fr. Jim explores the baptism story of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke and asks, "Are we ready and willing to totally immerse ourselves in God's love and be of greater service to God and one another?"from Luke 3:15-16, 21-22The ...

Wise Men Still Seek Him | The Epiphany of the Lord | Matthew 2:1-12 by Fr. Jim Willig
Fr. Jim asks: Will we be the wise men and women taking up the journey to Jesus? Like the Magi, will we take a different path than the world would have us go?from Matthew 2:1-12When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea,in ...

The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth | Luke 1:39-45 with Fr. Michael Sparough, SJ and Fr. Jim Willig
Fr. Jim Willig reflects on the Visitation of Mary and Elizabeth, highlighting Mary’s faith, obedience, and perseverance during her journey to Elizabeth. Through this reflection, he invites us to recognize the Spirit’s stirring in our own lives ...

Gospel Study - What Ought We Do? | Luke 3:10-18 by Fr. Jim Willig
from Luke 3:10-18The crowds asked John the Baptist,“What should we do?”He said to them in reply,“Whoever has two cloaksshould share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.”Even tax ...

Gospel Study: What Would John the Baptist Do? | Luke 3:1-6 by Fr. Jim Willig
Fr. Jim teaches that if John the Baptist came today he would not mince words. He would call a sin, a sin and challenge each of us to identify the sin within our lives and urge us to turn away. Click play above to hear Fr. Jim's full Advent mess...

How Will You Observe Advent? | Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36 by Fr. Jim Willig
Our world is increasingly holiday focused, not Holy Day focused. The season of Christmas does not begin for the Church until Christmas Day. Father Jim encourages us to celebrate Advent for what it is, a time of preparation.Luke 21:25-28...

Who Rules Your Life? | John 18:33B-37 by Fr. Jim Willig
Jesus goes before Pilate and says, "My kingdom does not belong to this world. If my kingdom did belong to this world, my attendants would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not here."f...

A New Millennium | Mark 13:24-32 by Fr. Jim Willig
In this deeply symbolic gospel addressing the end times, Fr. Jim explains that Mark's message calls for a profound transformation of the entire world as we know it. However, as the gospel reminds us, even Jesus did not know the exact moment of ...

Whom Do You Admire? | Mark 12:38-44 by Fr. Jim Willig
Today's Gospel Study concludes: "Remember saints are not perfect, they just try harder to do what the Lord asks." As you reflect on the gospel story of the widow who gave all of what she had to the Temple, ask yourself, "How can I try harder to...

The Greatest Commandment | Mark 12:28b-34 by Fr. Jim Willig
In Fr. Jim's words: "I believe that there is nothing more important for us to hear in our entire life than the Gospel we just heard. Nothing." Listen to the full Gospel Study for the rest of his inspiring message.from Mark 12:28b-34...

I Want to See | Mark 10:46-52 | Gospel Study by Fr. Jim Willig
"Jesus, son of David, have pity on me...Son of David, have pity on me." This is what Bartimeaus calls out to Jesus. Fr. Jim reminds us that Bartimeaus is one of the most important figures in the Gospel because he recognizes Jesus as the one who...

Gospel Study - Can You Drink This Cup? | Mark 10:35-45 by Fr. Jim Willig
James and John ask Jesus to sit at his right and at his left. Little do they know what Jesus will soon go through and who will be on his left and right as he enters his glory. Fr. Jim reminds us that so often we too make long term commitments w...

Gospel Study - If I Were Rich | Mark 10:17-30 | 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
A rich man comes to Jesus and kneeling before him, asks "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" The rich man asks the right question but doesn't like Jesus' answer. Fr. Jim challenges us: What is God asking us to tithe that is h...

Gospel Study - Marriage & Family (Mark 10:2-16)
Mark 10:2-16 addresses the difficult topic of marriage, divorce and re-marriage. In Jesus' time, divorce was very different than it is today. A man could divorce his wife for any reason and with no warning. Jesus is tested with this reality and...

Radical Spiritual Surgery | Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48 by Fr. Jim Willig
St. John continues to bring concerns to Jesus, this time about someone performing exorcisms in Jesus' name but without being a true follower. Again Jesus has to remind John of the true mission.from Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48At that tim...

Our Inner Child | Mark 9:30-37 | 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (2024)
Fr. Jim encourages us to look in the mirror and ask ourselves each day, "How am I feeling today? What do I need today?" from Mark 9:30-37Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee,but he...

Who Do You Say Jesus Is? Mark 8:27-35 | 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Fr. Jim teaches that when we know who Jesus is we know who God is, but more than that, we must ask who Jesus is so that we know who we must be.from Mark 8:27-35Jesus and his disciples set outfor the villages of Caesarea Philippi...

A Hearing Aid | Mark 7:31-37 | 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
In this Gospel where Jesus heals the deaf and mute man, Fr. Jim reminds us that our hearing problems may actually be listening problems. From Mark 7:31-37...And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment and...

Pentecost Gospel Study - John 20:19-23 by Fr. Jim Willig
Pentecost. The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles to enliven them and send them out to proclaim Christ crucified and raised. Pray today to receive that same spirit and spread the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus. from John ...

Ascension of the Lord - Gospel Study | John 17:1-11a by Fr. Jim Willig
Just before Jesus ascends to Heaven, he offers this prayer for all of us as recorded in the Gospel of John.from John 17:1-11aWhen Jesus had said this, he raised his eyes to heaven and said, “Father, the hour has come. Give glory to ...